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Reina's Chocolate

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If you are looking for a tasty and fun thing to do, try a visit to Reina's Chocolate Factory, located in Tamarindo, Guanacaste Costa Rica.  Chocolate making tours are available by appointment or you can just stop by and visit the tasting room.

Front label of Reina's chocolate bar.

Have your ever tasted real chocolate that didn't have any fillers or additives?  Most likely the answer is no.  Reina's is 100% pure Costa Rican cacao bean chocolate mixed with locally grown and produced brown sugar.  That's it, nothing else.  It is absolutely some of the best chocolate that you will ever taste.

Back label of Reina's chocolate bar.

Reina's is a small shop located on the outskirts of Tamarindo, actually closer to Villa Real.

Entrance to Reina's Chocolates.

There is a small tasting room that includes a bar area and a few tables.

Bar area in tasting room.

The atmosphere is warm, welcoming and a comfortable place to taste some delicious chocolate.

Table area in tasting room.

Tasting choices include an amazing sipping chocolate, chocolate tea and various chocolate bars.   Reina's specialty is dark chocolate and bars are available with varying mixtures of sugar, from 60% chocolate/ 40% sugar to 100% chocolate.  

Reina's Chocolate menu selection.

There are also milk and white chocolates available, some with orange, habanero peppers and salt added.  

Display case with bags of chocolate nibs and tea.

Sipping chocolate and tea are available for purchase plus, my favorite, the ground up left overs of the cacao bean known as "chocolate nibs" that are perfect for making a chocolate vodka sipping drink.  

The recipe below is very unique and really tasty.  It is more like a dessert drink and is meant to be sipped.

Chocolate Sipping Vodka


  • One 750ml bottle of vodka
  • 4 ounces of Reina's chocolate nibs
  • 4 tbsp of organic brown cane sugar


  • Empty bottle of vodka into a pitcher.  Keep the bottle and cap for later use.
  • Add all of the chocolate nibs into the pitcher, stir, cover and leave on counter.
  • Everyday for 4 days, open, stir and replace cover.
  • On day 5, strain the mixture to remove nibs.  Return vodka to pitcher.  Dispose of strained nibs.
  • Add brown sugar to mixture and stir until dissolved.
  • Pour mixture back into the original vodka bottle and install cap.
  • Store in freezer until cold.
  • Always drink cold and sip for the best taste.

Reina's is a fun place to visit and has some of the best pure chocolate in the world.  Try the making vodka drink, it is amazing.

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